Top 10 Most Popular Pet Birds In The World

Most Popular Pet Birds 

As per Princeton College, there are 9,700 bird species on the planet. However, this number is open for banter since research drove by the American Historical center of Regular History proposes that there are around 18,000 bird species on the planet.

Yet, of this large number of species, what are the most popular pet birds on the planet?

On the off chance that "parrot" comes into your brain, you got a piece of it right! Yet, there are 402 species under the umbrella of parrots or Psittaciformes.

Thus, in this article, we will name the main 10 most popular pet birds on the planet. We'll likewise give you a brief look into their reality and offer with you the:

Pros and cons of each bird species
Ability to talk and normal medical problems they may create
Life-saving consideration tips for each novice avian guardians

We should begin our rundown with the small parrot bird type that took the core of millions of bird managers from one side of the planet to the other.

Top 10 Most Popular Pet Birds On the planet

1. Parakeet

This bird sits at the first spot on the list of most popular pet birds on the planet in light of various factors. Parakeets (likewise called Budgies or Budgerigars) are minuscule parrot renditions with long tail feathers.

They're accessible in different varieties: blue, dim, white, violet, and yellow/blue. Yet, one of the most spellbinding varieties is the light green Parakeet with striking dark wing markings and yellow head.

The parakeet bird is perhaps of the most popular parrot and thebest bird as a pet because of its accommodating nature and tasteful plumes.

The natural knowledge of this bird makes the species more entrancing on the grounds that it permits you to prepare them to talk and play out certain stunts.

Additionally, this pet bird is low-support.

No big surprise more than 25% of bird guardians keep a parakeet as their cherished pets.

In the event that you need a nice bird with a low clamor level, lovely padding, and lively side, a little Parakeet with a major character may be an ideal one for you.

Really focusing Tips on Parakeets

These birds need a paper fixed confine with a base estimation of 24″ x 18″ x 18″ and roosts, food bowls, and a water dish.

They'd adore it as well if you would put some toys like chimes they can play with inside their enclosure.

Parakeets need everyday admittance to clean water, pelleted bird food, and a little amount of new natural product. They appreciate millet as a treat occasionally.

To guarantee that they produce the essential vitamin D in their skin, they additionally expect openness to coordinate daylight unhampered by the glass, either from an external perspective or from an indoor bright bulb.

However long they get day to day consideration, budgies can live joyfully alone despite the fact that many favor the organization of different budgies.

Parakeets need a break of their enclosures consistently to appropriately mingle. Most like investing energy with their human families while eating or sitting in front of the television. They make commotions like whistles and peeps, which may exceptionally engage.

Species Outline

Length: 7 inches
Weight: 1 ounce
Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years
Ability to talk: Loquacious! They can become familiar with certain expressions and words.
Medical problems: Can be inclined to bacterial contaminations, infections, parasites, and greasy liver illness


  • Simple to deal with
  • Agreeable and warmth
  • Savvy
  • Teachable to express human words


  • More limited life expectancy contrasted with bigger parrots
  • May need clinical consideration

2. Cockatiels

Gracing the second spot in our most popular pet bird species list is the cockatiel, a medium-sized parrot with an unmistakable yellow crown.

These local Australians are prestigious for their amazingly skilled singing and whistling.

Despite the fact that cockatiels can figure out how to talk, numerous proprietors find that their birds like to whistle and mimic odd commotions like the ringing of a phone.

Cockatiels are exquisite first birds for families with kids since they are loaded with character and easy to deal with.

All around mingled cockatiels perceive and answer their proprietors, creating them amazing sidekicks that can speak and sing.

Care Tips for Cockatiels:

They need a medium-sized confine that is roughly 24″ x 24″ x 24″, is fixed with paper, has an assortment of roosts, and has no less than two taking care of stations (one for dry food and the other for wet food) as well as a water cup.

Cockatiels require new water, food, monetarily created pelleted bird food, and new produce consistently.

They likewise require day to day socialization season of basically an hour outside their enclosures and day to day openness to bright (UV) radiation, which can emerge out of inside UV lights or direct daylight that hasn't been sifted.

This UV light is important for their bodies to create sufficient vitamin D.

Species Outline

Length: 11 to 12 inches
Weight: 2.5 to 3.5 ounce
Life expectancy: 15 to 20 years or more
Ability to talk: Extremely garrulous! They can imitate sounds and sing, whistle, and utter different sounds.
Medical problems: Inclined to bacterial contaminations, infections, parasites, and greasy liver sickness

Pros and Cons of This Popular Bird Species:


  • Friendly and loves being held
  • Accommodating character
  • Simple to deal with
  • Teachable


  • Needs a ton of consideration
  • Inclined to bacterial contaminations and different illnesses

3. Canaries

On the off chance that you need a bird you can pay attention to as opposed to nestle, this songbird that sits at the third spot of the most popular pet birds may be an ideal one for you!

Following a half year old enough, the male canaries are prestigious for their exquisite, operatic melodies since they're pleased individuals from the passerine (songbird) family.

They are raised to create specific tunes, similar to the American vocalist, the German roller, and others.

The canaries may be profoundly regional and ought to be housed independently if conceivable. During the reproducing season (generally the spring, in response to changes in the light cycle), guys sing to compete for females.

A male can sing without being in seeing a female, and he could in any event, sing stronger while living close to one more male in an enclosure.

They're normally accessible in yellow or green, dazzling orange or earthy colored varieties.

Care Tips for the Canaries:

These birds need everyday admittance to new water, pelleted food sources, finely minced produce, and a few seeds.

The canaries may become tainted with flaky face and leg vermin. It prompts dry skin on the feet, face, and respiratory parcel bugs, which make breathing troublesome, assuming they're under pressure from malnourishment or congestion.

Any of these side effects warrant a visit to the vet for treatment.

Species Outline

Length: 5 to 6 inches
Weight: 1/2 ounce
Life expectancy: 5 to 10 years
Ability to talk: Chatty and magnificent artist
Medical problems: Respiratory ailment and weight

  • Low support
  • Incredible artists
  • Different bird
  • Perky
Cons:Could do without to be taken care of
Inclined to scale leg face and leg bugs
Profoundly regional

4. Lovebirds

The fourth on our rundown of most popular pet birds may be little, however they ought not be ignored at any expense.These parrots are basically as exquisite as their name in view of their pleasant character and knowledge.These birds test limits and some of the time attempt to show predominance through nipping or animosity.Lovebirds are so named due to the cozy connections they create with both their proprietors and their accomplices.In opposition to popular conviction, lovebirds need n ot be kept two by two.As a matter of fact, a single bird is better in the event that you need a creature enthusiastically connected to its human rush.Having a couple of lovebirds can likewise make for a wonderful organization as proprietors will not have as much obligation regarding fulfilling their social needs.While they are simpler to really focus on than bigger parrots, lovebirds are regardless more testing to oversee than other ordinary pet birds like pigeons and parakeets. These birds are known for being more meek.Thus, they're not the best decision for bird managers with small kids.On the more splendid side, these birds are somewhat peaceful.That is the reason they're ideal for the people who live in condos or townhouses.Lovebirds are fundamentally green with orange chest area and head, light blue lower back and posterior, red nose, and white eyerings.

Species  Outline

Length: 5 to 6 inches
Weight: 2 ounces
Life expectancy: 20 years
Ability to talk: They address their sort yet not such a huge amount to individuals.
Medical problems: They may foster gastrointestinal plot yeast contaminations and chlamydiosis that causes respiratory signs, shortcoming, liver issues, and even demise.

  • Bond well with proprietors
  • Astute and affable
  • Genuinely tranquilCons:Can here and there be forceful
  • Inclined to gastrointestinal yeast contaminations

5. Dove

Of the multitude of most popular pet birds in America, the pigeon is maybe the best and gentlest.Birds are not excessively exhausting of their proprietor's consideration, so they're not difficult to deal with. That is the reason they're ideal for individuals with occupied timetables or who can't be home.They're the most appropriate to bird proprietors with kids that know the significance of delicate taking care of.These birds need a huge enclosure since they like to fly from roosts to roosts.Seldom do softbill birds endeavor to chomp or actually hurt with their snouts. Nonetheless, utilizing delicate, perky socialization and holding strategies with these birds is consistently advantageous.Birds require organization too. They'd cherish it in the event that they could associate with their people out of the enclosure.

Yet, if you need to keep them engaged inside their enclosure, you need to put mirrors and swings that they can play with.Pigeons are typically white and dark, yet you may likewise track down white with dim, tangerine, pied, and orange forms.They highlight bruised eyes and bill, and they have dull purple feet.

Species Outline

Length: 11 to 13 inches
Weight: 5 to 8 ounces
Life expectancy: 10-15 years
Ability to talk: They don't talk
Medical problems: Powerless to ulcer or small, shallow injuries that foster on the delicate tissues


  • Extremely delicate and sweet
  • Simple to take care of
  • Calmer than parrotsCons:High support
  • Needs heaps of toys and an enormous enclosure

6. African Dark

We're presently on the 6th placer on the rundown, however things are going to invigorate, for the 6th one is viewed as the most savvy bird.Because of their exceptional capacity to procure a human word and impersonate discourse, they acquired the moniker "the Einstein of the Bird World."They can bond emphatically with you and learn uplifting feedback preparing and operant molding.As its name recommends, African Dim has a shocking dim padding with a smidgen of red on its tail.African Dark birds may not be the most bright, yet they can paint your reality with astute and warm fluffy companions.So in the event that you need a splendid bird with a sweet character, African Dim parrots unquestionably can prevail upon you over!In any case, these birds love to spend time with their people and offer treats with the family.

Also, assuming you have small kids, you should realize that they could nibble or harm your children accidentally while taking treats or dinners.Care Tips for African Grays:These parrots should spend a few hours outside their enclosures partner with their human families to stay away from conduct issues like quill picking. They regularly structure bonds with one individual from the family.African Grays require open enclosures with a base element of 24″ x 36″ x 48″, as well as a few bite and toys, water bowls, and food bowls. They require a ton of mental feeling, for example, plays with switches or riddles and different exercises, given their insight (like that of a 4-5-year-old kid).

Species Outline

Length: 13 inches
Weight: 15 to 18 ounces
Life expectancy: 40 years
Ability to talk: Loquacious!
Medical problems: They may foster social issues and respiratory sicknesses when not really focused on appropriately.


  • Hyper-genius
  • Loving companion
  • AmiableCons:Gets exhausted and discouraged without any problem
  • Needs bunches of mental excitement

7. Finches

Finches likewise merit a spot in our rundown of most popular pet birds because of their delicate, calm, and well disposed nature alongside their charming visuals and examples.There's a wide assortment of finch examples and tones, including:Owl finches(that to be sure looks like an owl)
Gouldian finches(the energetic and rainbow-like
Zebra finches(that sport a high contrast stripe like zebras)These charming minuscule birds could do without being taken care of, so they're best for the people who feel fulfilled watching these birds without the need for snuggles.Songbirds (of the passerine family) called finches make brief, successive, and low peeping commotions. In this way, finches can be an ideal choice for individuals who are delicate to commotion or have close neighbors.Hope for something else than only two in the event that you have a couple on the grounds that finches are gregarious, love to fabricate settles, and are phenomenal egg layers.

Care Tips for Finches:They ought to have sizable, on a level plane situated confines with a lot of roosts, food bowls, water dishes, and space for flying.Regularly, they don't play with toys; all things considered, they invest their energy gathering pieces of paper and small sticks to make homes.They need new water everyday, alongside pelleted food made unequivocally for finches, little partitions of finely minced organic product, and a few seeds.

Species Outline

Length: 5 to 6 inches
Weight: 1/2 ounce
Life expectancy: 10 years
Ability to talk: They can't talk and copy your voice.
Medical problems: They're inclined to calcium inadequacy, contaminations, and textured face brought about by vermin.


  • Ideal for individuals delicate to commotion
  • They don't need toysCons:They can't talk
  • They need to have an individual finch buddy

8. Parrotlet

Otherwise called "pocket parrots," these birds have the mind and appeal of their bigger partners.They're generally green with sprinkles of blue on their backs.Parrotlets may be prepared to do different errands, including venturing onto your finger, pivoting, and waving, notwithstanding their minor size.They likewise have huge, alluring characters. These adorable birds are easy to oversee yet furiously regional. Parrotlets may foster contention on the off chance that not administered when out of their enclosure.They can be possessive with different birds, bringing about battles during taking care of.In this way, they would be advised to be separated from everyone else. Little parrots may be requesting when they act carelessly in a house with canines and felines.

Your fluffy pets can be in for a battle with savage parrotlets.Care Tips for Parrotlets:Give quality bird food and clean water day to day to keep them sound.Parrotlets need space and a ton of toys to play with on the grounds that they are savvy and enthusiastic in spite of their little size. An enclosure for single parrotlet ought to be no less than 18″ by 18″.Get the parrotlet's enclosure far from drafts and splendid daylight. Putting it in a quiet area is ideal.Keep the enclosure covered around evening time to advance relaxing rest and direct sunshine hours. No less than 12 hours of dimness each night are fundamental for parrotlets.

Species Outline

Length: 4 to 5 inches
Weight: 1 ounce
Life expectancy: 15 to 20 years
Ability to talk: Can become familiar with certain words and deceives
Medical problems: Inclined to bacterial respiratory contamination, deadly herpes infection,fungal lung illness


  • Long life expectancy
  • Can learn different engaging stunts
  • Simple to really focus onCons:Regional
  • Competitive

9. Conures

Of all species in this most popular pet bird list, Conures is possible the most intense. These dynamic birds produce a shriek like cackle.Conures are phenomenal pets for individuals who wouldn't fret clearly commotions and constant development since they are gregarious, cordial, and just need to be near and on people constantly.They normally don't express in excess of a couple of words. Be that as it may, they love impersonating their proprietors' activities, moving, and concealing in garments or different things.

Conures are accessible in different distinctive varieties, with blends of red, yellow, orange, green, and blue, contingent upon the species.Care Tips for Conures:They require an enclosure no less than 36″ x 24″ x 24″ in size and various roosts, food bowls, a water dish, and intelligent things to chew on. A large number of them appreciate cleaning up with their proprietors or scrubbing down in their water dishes.They additionally need more than adequate sun or UV light openness to create sufficient vitamin D.

Species Outline

Length: 10 to 15 inches
Weight: 3 to 9 ounces
Life expectancy: 20 years
Talking skill: These birds as a rule don't talk however are clearly.
Medical problems: They're vulnerable to Proventricular Dilatation Illness (PDD), snout malocclusion, and Bill and Quill Infection.


  • Agreeable and active
  • Striking tones
  • EngagingCons:Boisterous and loud
  • They can't talk

10. Hyacinth Macaw

This rundown of the most popular pet birds wouldn't be finished without the always lovely Hyacinth Macaw.These Macaws are the biggest of all parrots, and their lively cobalt blue plumage coordinated with a bended snout is beyond words!They love being held by and getting fondness from their proprietors. They will generally frame major areas of strength for a with their proprietors since they're well disposed and cuddly.In any case, they need huge spaces, and they can be horrendous.Care Tips for Hyacinths:These goliath birds need a particular eating routine consisting of palm nuts. So you should give them macaw food sources that address their dietary needs.They would benefit in the event that you'd give loads of toys and branches as well! Be that as it may, they should be excellent and durable enough to endure's areas of strength for Hyacinth, mouth.

Species Outline

Length: 40 inches
Weight: 42 to 51 ounces
Life expectancy: 30 years
Ability to talk: Not the most ideal talker however can become familiar with certain words
Medical problems: Inclined to proventricular dilatation infection or "Macaw Squandering Sickness," psittacosis, and papillomas


  • Striking plumage
  • Agreeable and cuddly
  • Profoundly shrewdCons:Can be damaging
  • Needs a lot of room
  • Expensive

Normal Inquiries Regarding the Most Popular Pet Birds

What is the most popular bird as a pet?

Parakeets or Budgies (also known as Budgerigars) top the rundown of the most popular bird pets on the planet, on account of their warm and amicable demeanor when fittingly prepared.Their straightforward yet striking quill design additionally makes them more eye-satisfying and charming.What is the most popular pet parrot?Maybe the Parakeets are the most popular pet bird on the planet because of their loving and cordial nature. Cockatiels likewise rank high in this Top notch since they enchanted numerous avian sweethearts with their character and effortlessness.What's the best bird for a fledgling?In the event that you're a novice in bird keeping and thinking, "what sort of pet bird would it be a good idea for me to get?"We suggest beginning with a parakeet or Budgies.

They're low-upkeep, loving, and agreeable. What's more, they highlight striking head and wing feather designs and are not difficult to prepare.

What is the best bird for friendship?

The most popular buddy birds that are awesome assuming you need friendship are:

  • Parakeets
  • Cockatiel
  • Finch
  • Lovebird
  • Priest Parakeet
  • Dove
  • Parrotlet

What is the most delicate bird?

Pigeons are perhaps of the most delicate bird, so it's fitting to the point that they represent harmony and love. Parakeets or Budgies are additionally meek and well disposed. That is the reason they're so popular.

What is the most widely recognized pet bird in the US?

The most well-known pet birds in the US are:

  • Parakeet
  • Cockatiel
  • FInch
  • Lovebird
  • Priest Parakeet
  • Dove
  • Parrotlet
  • African dim

Is it savage to keep pet birds?

Numerous earthy people and avian darlings accept it's savage and harsh to keep a bird in bondage and act as pets since they should fly openly in nature.Birds may likewise experience the ill effects of pressure and despondency because of disconnection.

What is the most friendly pet bird?

The most amicable pet birds that affection social cooperations are:

  • Budgies
  • Cockatiel
  • Cockatoo
  • Hyacinth Macaw
  • Dove
  • Parrotlet
  • Green-Cheeked Conure

Last Considerations About the Most Popular Pet Bird

So that is a wrap for the rundown of the most popular pet birds on the planet!Parakeets, Cockatiels, Canaries, and Pigeons are ideally suited for novices since they're not difficult to raise because of their well-disposed nature and humble size.Be that as it may, assuming you need bigger parrots with a striking appearance and exceptionally insightful personalities, the African Grays and Hyacinth Macaws will suit you. Simply realize that they need greater enclosures, more food, and higher support cost than the littler ones.Thus, prior to buying one, look at our novice's aide beneath to assist you with using sound judgment and arrangements.

